Current Services & Professional Development Opportunities

Current Workshops & Special Events

Sponsored by the CEC

Career Counseling and Advisement

We help match your skills and interest!

Certification Testing

100 authorized testing center for Pearson VUE, ETS and PSI

Career Online Training Programs

Ed2Go: over 700 online course options

Training Partners

Penn State DuBois, University of Pittsburgh Bradford, Northwest Industrial Resource Center, and Manufacturer & Business Association (MBA)

Northern Pennsylvania Regional College

Workforce development training

Leadership Elk and Cameron (LEC)

Educating participants about the region to develop informed, civic-oriented volunteers


Join Toastmasters International and learn communicate effectively

Professional Development vs. Non-Credit Programs

The term “Professional Development” encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities including credentials such as academic degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning opportunities situated in practice.

There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching, communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance.

The term “Non-Credit” programs and classes refers to courses that do not lead to a degree program. They are generally shorter in nature, are not semester based, and not always available only through a college.

Examples include a 4-hour Microsoft Office class, a 5-week Art class with a local artist, or a 10 month course on Supervisory Skills which meets once a month. Also known as personal enrichment or professional development.